The religious education process for the Diocese of Erie is organized first by grade level, and then within each grade level there are several sections which outline important parts of the whole. Each grade level identifies the overall goal that each grade hopes to achieve. This is significant and important. All of the objectives that are assembled in the various sections of the curriculum are organized to achieve this goal.
Our Catholic faith comprises what we believe and how we live that belief. For 2,000 years, this Catholic faith has been handed down from one generation to next, starting with Jesus Christ passing the faith to the Twelve Apostles. In our own lives, we may receive that faith from our parents, from friends, or even a stranger we meet.
Living as a Catholic includes many wonderful beliefs, practices, and devotions; too many to catalog here. But we hope to provide you with a brief overview of what we believe and how we live that belief.
We hope this resource will be valuable to both interested non-Catholics as well as to those already Catholic who might be looking to deepen the practice of their faith.
Classes begin Sunday September 15 from 10am- 11:15am in the faith formation center.

(Religious Ed.)
The religious education curriculum for the Diocese of Erie is organized first by grade level, and then within each grade level there are several sections which outline important parts of the whole. Each grade level identifies the overall goal that each grade hopes to achieve. This is significant and important.

The Church's catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel. From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, you are welcome to meet with a group of people like yourself who are inquiring about the Catholic faith for more information click the Adult RCIA link below.
Below is a list of forms used in either Religious Education or Adult Faith Formation (OCIA).