The Church of the Good Shepherd in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania (since 1955) has a deep and rich history rooted here in the Shenango Valley. Below you can read details of our history of what brings us to where we are today rooted in Christ.
Good Shepherd had humble beginnings. A group of Catholics met in a privately owned one-room school house and discussed wanting to have their own parish instead of traveling to nearby communities to worship.
Throughout The Church of the Good Shepherd's rich history, the parish has been blessed with six pastors since its founding in 1955. Meet the pastors by clicking below.
Located in West Middlesex PA, The Church of the Good Shepard is proud to part of the active group of churches in this small community within the Shenango Valley.

History of the
Church of the Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd had humble beginnings. A group of Catholics met in a privately owned one-room school house and discussed wanting to have their own parish instead of traveling to nearby communities to worship. The group called themselves the Catholic Action Committee and began the process of petitioning the Bishop of Erie for a new parish.
Land was purchased and the committee took their petition to Archbishop John Mark Gannon. Bishop Gannon visited the site in the summer of 1955 and shortly thereafter decreed on Sept. 30, 1955 the establishment of the Church of the Good Shepherd, so named because the CAC described themselves as “Christ’s lost sheep.”
The Archbishop appointed Rev. Salvatore Mitchell as its first pastor to tend to its flock. He arrived October 4, 1955 and the first Mass of the newly established parish was celebrated on Oct. 9, 1955 in the old West Middlesex High School gym. It was attended by approximately 325 people.
A small home was erected on the church’s 13 acre property in December 1955 to serve as a rectory site and as a place to say daily Mass. In 1959 the present rectory was built. On July 22, 1956 ground was broken for the construction of the social hall, now known as the Monsignor Mitchell Center, in which Mass was held and fund-raisers took place.
Within nine years ground was broken in the summer of 1965 for the present church building, the first circular church in the area. The first Mass in the new church was celebrated on May 22, 1966.

Msgr. Salvatore P. Mitchell

Fr. Howard J. King
2001 – 2008

Msgr. Richard G. Mayer

Msgr. Robert M. Malene
2008 – 2017

Msgr. Joseph Riccardo
2000 – 2001

Fr. Glenn Whitman
2017 - Present
Father Glenn Whitman and Good Shepherd's former pastor, Msgr. Richard Mayer, enjoy a trip around the parish grounds in a golf cart.
Msgr. Mayer was the Pastor at the Church of the Good Shepherd for nine years, from 1991 through 2000.

BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled by appointment, six (6) weeks in advance and take place during the weekend Masses or Sunday afternoons. Pre-Baptism sessions are required. During Lent and Advent, Baptisms usually are not scheduled.
RECONCILIATION: Saturday afternoon from 5:15 – 5:45 PM or anytime by appointment.
MATRIMONY: By appointment at least six months in advance.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: We want to celebrate this sacrament whenever anyone is in need due to illness, the infirmity that comes with age or any other time it is desired. Please call the Pastor at the rectory number, extension 11. Communal celebrations of this sacrament are scheduled several times throughout the year at a weekend Mass.
HOLY ORDERS: Some men fulfill a call to holiness by serving as priests or permanent deacons. Men who feel that call should call the pastor.
For intentions, please call 724-977-3369
Every First Friday from 9:00 AM until noon.
Prayed as a community the first Sunday of the month and all Sundays in October and May, before the 9:00AM Sunday Mass.
During Lent, Friday evenings at 6:30 PM.